Author: Louise Lowe

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“Put not your trust in money, but put your money in trust” Oliver Wendell Holmes, Snr. From an investment and asset protection perspective you should learn and know about trust structures and why they are important in your strategy. There are various types of Trust structure common...

While most people would have heard about capital gains tax (CGT) in relation to property very few know about goods and services tax (GST) implications on property. There can be GST implications for both the income received on an ongoing basis (for e.g. lease on a...

"MY MATE SAID" These are the three words that make every accountant see red! In theory how much tax you pay is a nice neat formula; take the income you have earned less the deductions you can claim & then work out how much tax is payable....

Tax planning not just making us money - Let me prove it. February is a good time to start thinking about how much tax you want to pay this year. With the right advice, you may be able to cut thousands of dollars off your tax...

Engaging contractors is a sham to avoid tax and other levies - Really? Sometimes this view is promoted by those in the HR industry who have a vested interest, sometimes by those with a political agenda, and sometimes by those infamous know-it-all BBQ advisers. The truth...

How to avoid paying 49% in tax! Most discretionary trust deeds will contain a clause requiring the trustee to prepare an annual Trustee Resolution to distribute the income. That resolution is usually required before the end of the Tax Year, even though the trustee may not...

This will quite possibly be the shortest post I have ever written. That is because the general answer to the question is a simple one. YES Why is a Corporate Trustee a “No Brainer” Decision? The ATO have provided a useful video which is worth watching. The key benefits...

Both the Federal and State governments have made several changes over the last few months that affect foreign based property investors. Land Tax payable by foreign and non-resident land owners has generally been increased and is different in each state as is the definition of...

Here are Grow Accounting we look after rental property owners & property developers all over Australia & it’s fair to say we see more investment loans than your average accountant.  If you are like one of the 2 million people in Australia with an investment...